AI Training

Tailored for each session based on job role.
6-12 months AI advance in only 90 minutes

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Trusted by professionals from top companies:
What can I expect?

No preparation needed

We start the session with focus on what you spend most time on. A battery of executive and leader use-cases provide the training ground after that.

Hands on - no theory

Hands-on with the actual AI tools is where we start and finish. You get to develop your skills and learn all necessary shortcuts to be up and running on your own immediately.

Follow-up & Learning Network

The session is recorded (if video) and post-learning takes place in a custom learning tool. I follow up after a month and you'll have access to a WhatsApp network where AI use-cases are shared and discussed.

Learning Goals

Contracts & legal advice

Analyze complex agreements or let AI scrutinize the laws of a certain country before replying to the other party. Or why not get a second opinion on legals' advice?

Strategy creation

Let AI learn from how you have created strategies in the past or start from scratch and let AI interview you to create your next strategy.

Data analysis & presentation

Too many data points or unstructured data? Get help in finding conclusions or simply get the table and chart outputs you need for the presentation.

Personal assistant

Create a questionnaire for a factory visit, get help booking your next trip, create an informal speech for the christmas party or analyse a certain market or competitor.

HR tasks

Title creation and work task comparison when reorganising or optimizing teams. Or create a workshop structure while getting a second opinion on recruitment candidates.

Private benefits

Everything does not have to be directly business related. Learning a new language or learning how to replace googling is beneficial also outside work.

This session catapulted me 6-12 months into the future of AI. I am now using AI tools to speed up my workday while I have a new sounding board when creating strategies and analysing data.

Niclas Arnelin
Director International Expansion @ Orkla

Superintelligent has helped me save significant time by integrating AI tools into my daily work. Beyond that, it has become an invaluable business sounding board, offering insights and clarity on a wide range of strategic and operational questions.

Gustav Tedvik
Owner & Partner @ Säkra

This isn’t just another boring training session. It’s an intense, hands-on experience where you walk away equipped with entirely new skills and tools to transform the way you work.

Thomas Dalebring
Founder @ Superintelligent

AI Training Pricing



Max 1 person



Max 12 persons



Per 100 persons - max 1000 persons


Ready to learn the strategic application of AI and identify AI activities to start with for each role in your organisation?